Conservation & Preservation

Our technology uses effective real-time observations to monitor natural environments and provide advanced conservation research insights.

Real-time Observation

In our constantly changing world, conservation organisations face increasingly complex challenges in their efforts to preserve biodiversity. 

We use effective real-time observations to monitor natural environments. Modern conservation technologies have been instrumental in enabling real-time monitoring and understanding in the field of conservation science. 

Meanwhile, conservation GIS, which is rooted in geography, offers a better understanding of the risks, opportunities and difficulties facing our natural world.

Better Conservation Insights

The insights provided by advanced conservation research helps to improve our understanding of the impact of interdependent human activities. From this real-time monitoring, mitigation measures for dangers posed by climate change and uncontrolled development can be suggested as they occur. 

With a large collection of open and free data, Graffiquo provides conservation experts with maps and apps that are tailored for common conservation procedures.

What can we do for you?

Feel free to ask us any questions and we’re here for you.